Dreame L10 Pro tesztek és vélemények

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Dreame L10 Pro

Dreame L10 Pro

Megjelenés dátuma: 2021. Május 1


(21 Hivatalos teszt)

0Vásárlói értékelés

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A Dreame L10 Pro egy robotporszívó, amely nagy teljesítményű szívóerejével és okos navigációs rendszerével kiváló tisztítási eredményt biztosít. Szívóereje akár 4,000 Pa is lehet, ami igen magas értéknek számít a robotporszívók kategóriájában. A készülék akár 150 percen át is képes működni egyetlen feltöltéssel, így nagyobb területek tisztítása sem okoz gondot

Az okos navigációs rendszernek köszönhetően a robotporszívó pontosan tudja, hol tartózkodik a lakásban, és mely területeket kell még tisztítania. Ezen felül az alkalmazás segítségével különböző zónákat is beállíthatunk, így például megakadályozhatjuk, hogy a robotporszívó bemenjen olyan helyiségekbe, amelyeket nem szeretnénk, hogy megtisztítson.


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Dreame L10 Pro videó tesztek

Előnyök és hátrányok

  • Fejlett akadálykerülés
  • Nagy portartály kapacitás 
  • Erős szívóerő – kiváló szőnyegekhez és kemény padlókhoz egyaránt
  • Kiváló akkumulátor idő
  • Nedves feltörlés nem igazán hatékony
  • A felmosáskor nem tud különbséget tenni kemény padló és szőnyeg közöttt
  • Kis kapacitású víztartáy

Dreame L10 Pro tesztelők véleménye

Összesen 21 tesztelő véleménye
21 Pozitív értékelés
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A piacon sosincs ingyen ebéd, a Dreame L10 Pro nem véletlenül olcsóbb, mint a 360 S10 és a Roborock S6 MaxV, kevesebbet tud, de az árkülönbözetbe ez belefér. A legnagyobb hibája az, hogy nem nagyon adnak hozzá pót kellékanyagokat, illetve hogy az app felülete sokszor tetű lassú. Ami még furcsa, hogy a szobánkénti szívóerő és vízmennyiség takarítás funkciót is kivették, igaz ezt meg soha nem használom, de megértem, ha valaki hiányolja. Cserébe szépen takarít és töröl fel, a tárgyakat talán ez kerüli ki a legjobban, a szívóereje neki a legnagyobb – 4000 pa.
A 4000 Pa szívóerő jó, a tárgyfelismerés is jó (többé-kevésbé), a szivattyús víztartály is üdvözlendő, bár annyi negatívum ezzel kapcsolatban van, hogy a csapvizet lehetőség szerint kerülni kell, hogy ne vízkövesedjen el az apró szivattyú. dreame-bot-l10-pro-22.jpg Összességében a Dreame Bot L10 Pro igazán jó gép lett. Erős is, szép is, jól is takarít. Az eddigi szép képet csak egy dolog ronthatja el, az ár, de mint az eddig leírtakból már sejthetitek, ez sem lesz rossz!
Összességében azonban ajánlhatjuk ezt a modellt mindazoknak, akik egy robotporszívó fejlettebb modelljét keresik, amely nem az akadályok ütésével orientálódik, hanem a szoba kifinomult 3D lézeres letapogatásával. A tökéletes porszívózáshoz azonban továbbra is ki kell húznia egy klasszikus porszívót, mivel a Dreame Bot L10 Pro nagy szívóereje ellenére sem távolítja el teljesen az összes szennyeződést.
The Dreame Bot L10 Pro is a powerful robot vacuum that can wash floors as well as suck up any mess. Simple to use, it accurately makes its way around your home without crashing into furniture, and it can even avoid some obstacles in its path. However, it’s more expensive than rival robovacs, and in spite of teeth on the brush roller, hair still became tangled in it.
Dreame’s three front-mounted laser sensors are better than the Ecovacs T8 AIVI and Roborock S6 MaxV based on my tests, especially with smaller objects, even books less than an inch tall, but it isn’t fool-proof. As with all robot vacuums with a side brush, its biggest kryptonite is wires and this robot won’t completely avoid it, so tidy those up before running this robot. Regardless, this technology works and will not scuff furniture.
If you are looking for a robot vacuum that would have advanced navigation and good cleaning performance and at the same time do not want to spend another dollar, have a look at the Dreame L10 Pro. One of the best cleaning results I've seen on par with the app that is easy to connect to and it all for under $489.9 on Amazon! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who doesn't want to pay more yet get most of the features of top-notch models.
Mutassd az összes tesztet

Given it’s a combo, the Dreame Bot L10 Pro certainly makes an impression on me thanks to its favorable cleaning performance and good value. I say good because, at $490, there’s still sufficient price separation between it and high-end vacuums that offer self-emptying bins or cameras for home security.
Of course, if you are not interested in the self-emptying base you could go for the Dreame L10 Pro and save a lot. But it is something that I do not recommend, given the extreme convenience of this system: the Dream Bot Z10 Pro it is clearly a product for those looking for the best in the sector, which keeps its promises at 101% and that at this discounted price you should not let it go (if you need an automatic robot). Too bad only for the water container which, in my opinion, continues to be too underpowered.
There are a number of much-needed improvements and upgrades that the Dreame Bot L10 Pro has introduced that allow it to clean better, run more reliably, and as I found, get into less trouble. Its vacuuming performance is impressive and will likely handle most challenges. You'll still want to keep a dedicated handheld vacuum and mop on hand for those deeper cleans and hard-to-reach spots though.
On the whole, the L10 Pro proved a great household helper. Unlike many robot vacuums, it doesn’t require that you babysit it thanks to excellent navigation that steers it clear of trouble. Its stronger-than-average suction will be welcomed by folks with wall-to-wall carpeting, and its highly customizable cleaning is particularly advantageous for larger homes. Anyone looking to reduce some of the burden of this hated chore will find something to like here.
The Dreame Bot Z10 Pro places itself very high in the highly competitive vacuum robot segment. From the processing quality to the usability to the cleaning performance, there is hardly anything to complain about. The 3D space recognition works and even recognizes objects that other vacuum robots mercilessly run over. Nevertheless, there is still a little need for optimization. A Roborock S6 MaxV with a similar room detection function maneuvers a little more precisely, but does not offer a suction station for a similar price.
Based on my experience, it’s likely not the very best option for pet owners, as it struggled to remove all the pet hair from the carpet. Likewise, if you don’t need the mop function, there are more affordable options from other brands that deliver the basics just as well. But for casual cleanups in between deep vacuuming, the Dream Bot L10 Pro does a solid job of scooping up dirt and dust with little noise or fuss.
When it comes to orientation, there is hardly anything better on the market at the moment either. Thus, the laser navigation does an excellent job. The obstacle detection via 3D camera shows weaknesses from time to time, but it usually works reliably as well. The smart household helper is beyond all doubt when it comes to cleaning performance. It vacuums and wipes like no squeegee with a conventional wiping plate can. In terms of price-performance, the Dreame L10s Pro is far ahead of its competitors.
When it comes to orientation, there is hardly anything better on the market at the moment either. Thus, the laser navigation does an excellent job. The obstacle detection via 3D camera shows weaknesses from time to time, but it usually works reliably as well. The smart household helper is beyond all doubt when it comes to cleaning performance. It vacuums and wipes like no squeegee with a conventional wiping plate can. In terms of price-performance, the Dreame L10s Pro is far ahead of its competitors.
Although the Dreame Bot L10 Pro robo vac won’t do away with any chores, it will reduce the need to vacuum as regularly as normal. Running the L10 Pro a few times during the week means once the weekend comes, your floors are fairly dust-free. The strong suction is a huge advantage particularly for homeowners with carpeted floors. And outstanding obstacle avoidance means you can set the Dreame Bot to clean your home without supervision.
An efficient and intelligent bot that mops and vacuums simultaneously, leaving floors looking like new. The Dreame Bot L10 Pro offers powerful suction for a robot vacuum, along with smart mopping and advanced navigation. Our only complaints are that we wish it did a better job at cleaning edges and corners and that we’d prefer the bot came with more mopping accessories, but these are small issues in what’s otherwise an excellent cleaning machine.
All in all, the Dreametech Dreame Bot L10 Pro is an impressive machine. It has some of the best suction power you’ll find on any robot vacuum, anywhere. It has a mopping function as well as a vacuuming function, so you can clean any floor. Finally, it has both a Lidar mapping function and a real-time object detection laser. Those are all valuable features, along with a long-lasting battery. However, we also appreciated the ability to use voice controls, and to navigate steep transitions. This robot vacuum is the real deal.
Let me be clear, nothing particularly worrying: at maximum suction power and with the maximum amount of water sprayed on the floor, to clean an environment of about 70 square meters the Dream Bot L10 Pro consumed about 40% of the charge. Which lets me assume that, despite the higher consumption, with a single recharge it is possible to clean an environment without problems close to 200 square meters
All in all, the Dreametech Dreame Bot L10 Pro is an impressive machine. It has some of the best suction power you’ll find on any robot vacuum, anywhere. It has a mopping function as well as a vacuuming function, so you can clean any floor. Finally, it has both a Lidar mapping function and a real-time object detection laser. Those are all valuable features, along with a long-lasting battery. However, we also appreciated the ability to use voice controls, and to navigate steep transitions. This robot vacuum is the real deal.
In conclusion, Dreame outworks the competition with its advanced obstacle avoidance technology. The 3D scanner adds a real advantage in the world of robot vacuum. Indeed, if you are familiar with bots, you know how it can be cumbersome to see it eats your important things. And, this new technology doesn’t come alone as both the electronic mop and big dustbin continue to add value to the Dreame L10. But even with all these good features, the price stays the best at around 350€.
It’s unclear to me where the gap is, but needless to say, the performance left much to be desired. Because the cleaning performance is ultimately the most important part of any vacuum, I find it hard to recommend the L10 to any home with multiple flooring types. If you only have hardwoods, the L10 Pro could be acceptable. We strongly prefer the Dreame D9 over the L10 Pro.

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Dreame L10 Pro műszaki adatok









Térképezés / Útvonal tervezésIgen
Tárgyfelismerés (elülső kamera)Igen
Tisztítási terület200 ㎡
Szívóerő4000 Pa
Szemetestartály kapacitása570 ml
Automatikus szennyeződés eltávolításNem
Az eldobható porzsák kapacitása-
HEPA szűrőIgen
Oldalkefék1 db
Szennyeződés érzékelőNem
Nedves feltörlésIgen
Víztartály kapacitása270 ml
Rezgő felmosó párnaNem
Automatikus víztartály utántöltésNem
Akkumulátor-kapacitá5200 mAh
Elem élettartam150 perc
Töltés és folytatásIgen
Töltési idő-
Autocally dokkolás és újratöltés Igen
Névleges teljesítmény46 W
Wi-Fi / Okostelefon alkalmazásIgen
Wi-Fi frekvenciasáv2,4 GHz
Zajszint65 dB
Súly3,8 kg
Szélesség35 cm
Magasság9,67 cm

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