Sony WF-1000XM4 tesztek és vélemények

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Sony WF-1000XM4

Sony WF-1000XM4

Megjelenés dátuma: 2021. Június 8


(32 Hivatalos teszt)

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A Sony WF-1000XM4 egy vezeték nélküli fülhallgató, amely az aktív zajszűrés (ANC) technológiával, kiváló hangminőséggel és kényelmes illeszkedéssel rendelkezik. A fülhallgató kisméretű, cserélhető cseppecs hangszórókkal rendelkezik, amelyek lehetővé teszik a zene élvezetét kristálytiszta hangzással. Az ergonomikus kialakításnak köszönhetően kényelmesen illeszkedik a fülbe, és vízálló (IPX4 besorolás) tulajdonsággal rendelkezik, ami ellenáll a fröccsenő víznek.

Az érintésvezérlés lehetővé teszi az egyszerű kezelést, és kompatibilis az Sony Headphones Connect alkalmazással, amellyel testre szabhatja a hangzást és az egyéb beállításokat. A Sony WF-1000XM4 fülhallgató akár 8 órányi akkumulátor élettartammal rendelkezik, és a töltőtokkal együtt akár 24 órányi használatot is lehetővé tesz. Az elegáns kialakítású fülhallgató a Sony fejhallgatók között az egyik csúcsminőséget képviseli, és kiváló választás lehet azoknak, akik magas szintű hangzást és kényelmet keresnek vezeték nélküli fülhallgatóban.


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Sony WF-1000XM4 termék képek

Sony WF-1000XM4 videó tesztek

Előnyök és hátrányok

  • Kiváló, részletgazdag  hangzás
  • Vezeték nélküli fülhallgatók közül az egyik legjobb zajszűréssel rendelkezik
  • Támogatja a vezeték nélküli töltést
  • Hosszú üzemidő a versenytársakhoz képest
  • Nincs Bluetooth multipoint támogatás
  • Csak három méretű füldugót tartalmaz
  • Borsos ár

Sony WF-1000XM4 tesztelők véleménye

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Már a leleplezéskor sejtettem, hogy itt valami nagy dolgot csinált a Sony, de hogy ennyire döbbenetesen kerek, egész termék lesz a WF-1000XM4-ből, azt nem gondoltam volna, megannyi TWS kipróbálása után nekem most koppant az állam, pedig ennél jelentősebb drágább fül- és fejhallgatók is jártak nálam. Jelen pillanatban az androidos mobilt használóknak nem tudnék ennél jobb TWS-t ajánlani, és ha így nézem, még ár/érték arányban is abszolút helyénvaló ez a cucc, hiszen bőven 100 ezer forint fölött is léteznek olyan eszközök, amik bitrátában, részletességben és általános hangélményben ennek a kütyünek a felét sem nyújtják.
Remekül szólnak 6 mm-es hangszórók a szokásosnál nagyobb házban: a mélyek dominálnak, a dinamika átlag feletti, a közép- és magas hangok is elfogadhatók. A sztereó színpadkép jó, talán csak a középhangokat éreztük kissé fátyolosnak néhány zenestílus hallgatása során, de az LDAC-kodeket is támogató WF-1000XM4 így is könnyedén megszerezte a Hi-Res Audio Wireless tanúsítványt. BT multipoint (több eszköz egyidejű csatlakoztatása) sajnos nincs, a beszédmikrofonok jól hallhatón, talán kicsit tompán közvetítik a beszédhangodat a másik félnek, miközben a zajt kiszűrik.
Ez a légy a levesben sokak számára döntő lehet, egy százezer forintos kütyütől pedig elvárható lenne. Ennek ellenére a WF-1000XM4 az előző generációhoz képest hatalmasat fejlődött két év alatt, aki szemezett a WF-1000XM3-mal vagy használta azt és cserélne, annak a húszezer forintos áremelkedését lenyelve is jó választás lehet az új generáció. A konkurenciához viszonyítva már mérlegelnünk kell, hogy mi fontos számunkra egy fülhallgatóban, a Sony legnyomósabb indoka idén nem más, mint a csend.
Igazából teljesen hibátlan TWS-füles a Sony WF-1000XM4, ami megmutatja a konkurenciának, hogy igenis lehet prémium minőségű terméket is kiadni ebben a szegmensben. Sajnos az ára is pontosan ezt tükrözi, 99.990 Ft-ért lehet beleszeretni egy életre, ami sok, de ha máshonnan nézzük, már nem vészes. Azok, akik szeretnének mondjuk egy komolyabb WH-1000XM4-et zenehallgatásra, és egy igen jól összerakott TWS-fülest is, azok itt letudják egyben, és még pénzt is spórolnak. Mindenki más viszont lehet, hogy elretten az árcédula láttán, pedig nem véletlenül adják ennyiért ezt a kis csodát. Ennél feljebb jelen pillanatban ebben a kategóriában nemigen lehet menni.
Az ár ízlelgetése közben persze érdemes észben tartani, hogy a Sony vadiúj kütyüje nem az átlag felhasználókat célozza (nekik a fele ennyiért kínált megoldások is bőven megteszik), hiszen az egyelőre teljesen egyedi LDAC-támogatás egy szűkebb réteget vesz célba, olyanokat, akik nem elégednek meg a zenei streaming szolgáltatók (és a legtöbb hasonló eszköz) nyújtotta átlagos hangminőséggel, hanem többre vágynak. Nekik tényleg megérhet ennyi pénzt, hogy a – TWS fülesekhez mérten elérhető – legjobb minőségben hallgathassák a kedvenc muzsikáikat.
Amennyiben a lehető legjobb hangminőségre és a legfejlettebb zajszűrésre, illetve igazán hosszú üzemidőre vágyunk, akkor a 100 ezer forintos Sony WF-1000XM4 felé érdemes kacsintgatnunk. A japán füles azonban relatíve nagy és nehéz, így nem mindenkinek lehet jó választás. Az utóbbi hónapokban 90-ről 60-70 ezer forintra szelidült árú Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro azok számára lehet jó választás, akik sokszor használnak fülest sportolás, így például futás közben. Ráadásul a minőségre és zajszűrésre nekik sem nagyon lesz majd panaszuk. Házon belül remek alternatíva lehet a Galaxy Buds Live, mely ma már akár 30-35 ezer forint ellenében hazavihető.
Mutassd az összes tesztet

We’re quite taken by the Sony WF-1000XM4. Given all the design changes and new features in these wireless earbuds, it must have been a real challenge to get them right. But Sony has absolutely nailed it. The headphones deliver a satisfying user experience, class-leading battery life, some of the best noise-cancelling we’ve heard in this category, and absolutely stunning sound quality. Both Bose and Apple now provide some serious competition, but the Sonys are still very easy to recommend.
If you want the best true wireless earphones, the Sony WF-1000XM4 has to be in the discussion among the most popular models. It has its foibles, but it's probably the most mature stab at the true wireless design that includes ANC. Still, the price is tough to surmount.
Sony is largely responsible for the rude health of the active noise-cancelling true wireless in-ear headphones market, and with the WF-1000XM4, the company has combined performance, ergonomics, and build quality more effectively than ever before. They’re not perfect, but as an overall package they’re hard to beat.
The Sony WF1000XM4 are very good for commute and travel. These decently comfortable and lightweight in-ears can easily fit into most pockets or bags without a problem. They also have over 10 hours of continuous playback time, and there are two additional charges in their carrying case if you need them. While they have an ANC system, they do a sub-par job of blocking out bus and plane engine rumbles. They do a much better job of blocking out commuter chit-chat, though.
The Sony WF-1000XM4 is a sweet upgrade that packages elite sound, noise cancellation, and awesome features into a fancy, revamped design. Pricing might be a deterrent, but the fact that this set of buds offers greater overall functionality than every other model in its price class makes it well worth the splurge. Add longer battery life and stronger specs to the equation, and you can see why it’s a top contender for the best wireless earbuds rankings.
The Sony WF-1000XM4 don’t dethrone the Bose QC Earbuds as the most effective noise cancellers around, nor do they quite match the B&W PI7 for sound quality. But they deliver brilliantly in both of those areas and can't be beaten as an all-round package. They’re stylish, comfortable and crammed full of neat features and customisation options. Achieving a secure fit takes a little work but this issue isn't serious enough to prevent Sony from scooping another Best Buy award for a pair of truly magnificent headphones.
Putting the one lemon pair aside, the other drawbacks aren’t enough to derail the end result: the WF-1000XM4s are a triumph for Sony. They’re an ambitious flex of decades’ worth of personal audio expertise, and they’re a reminder of just how well the company can execute when it’s focused on the right things. These earbuds can’t match all the bells and whistles of Apple’s AirPods Pro, and the lack of multipoint continues to sting. But they’re in a class of their own where it counts most: noise cancellation and sound quality. You’ll be paying quite a premium to get the best of that criteria, but if you’re the sort of person who will appreciate the top-notch performance, the 1000XM4s are a worthwhile investment.
Needless to say, the XM4 easily outclasses the aging Apple's AirPods Pro in the sound department. That said, the AirPods Pro are lighter and overall more comfortable to wear, with solid noise canceling (it's not quite as good as the Sony's, but it's still very good) and a natural sounding transparency mode (Sony's has improved and is now close to Apple's). Despite being out for awhile, the AirPods Pro remain an appealing choice at around $200 and sometimes less.
The WF-1000XM4 earbuds have an ambient sound mode that lets in outside noise – handy if you are jogging and walking on a busy street. It’s much improved compared to its predecessor and even the WH-1000XM4. However, Apple’s implementation in the AirPods Pro is still the one to beat. The mics are passable. Apple’s AirPods Pro are still the benchmark and they trounce the Sonys in terms of clarity. The WF-1000XM4 earbuds, to their credit, are an improvement over their predecessors and they do a good job of suppressing external noise. The problem with them, however, is that they sound noticeably more muffled than their rivals.
While I have a few quibbles about whether the Sony WF-1000XM4 offers ‘industry leading’ noise cancellation, the XM4 are – in my mind – the finest-sounding wireless earbuds yet. Nothing else – and there have been some terrific efforts – come as close to the WF-1000XM4’s sense of refinement, musicality and drama.
Sony’s WF-1000XM4 are superb in-ear headphones. Their active and adaptive noise-cancelling technology leads the category; their onboard tech is well thought out, practical, and unparalleled; their fit is secure; battery life is strong; they sound great; and they are stellar at phone calls. If I had to pick just one pair of true wireless earbuds for music, noise cancelling, advanced features, and phone calls, Sony’s WF-1000XM4 would be it. These are the best overall true wireless earbuds I’ve ever tested. And while the WF-1000XM4 won’t be ideal for everyone, they certainly rank among the most complete and mature true wireless headphones on the market today.
The Sony WF-1000XM4 are some of the very best sounding, most effective noise-cancelling Bluetooth earbuds money can buy. They still have a terrible name, but are smaller, easier to fit and more comfortable, last longer and are much more pocketable than their best-in-class predecessors. They support the hi-res LDAC Bluetooth format with Android, which is rare for earbuds, and sound just as good with iPhones and other devices. The controls work great, but it would be nice to be able to adjust noise cancelling at the same time as volume and playback. At £250 they aren’t cheap, but match many top competitors.
Sony nearly did it again. The company has dominated both over-ear and true wireless product categories for the last few years. It has a knack for creating a compelling combination of sound quality, noise cancelling performance, customization and features. None of the competition comes close to what the WF-1000XM4 offers in terms of what the earbuds can do for you automatically with features like Adaptive Sound Control and Speak-to-Chat. These are almost the complete package, if only the new ear tips offered a better fit. Even the best of the three pairs included in the box never felt truly comfortable. I only found relief when I grabbed the silicone tips from the M3 instead, and most people won’t have access to those. It seems so simple, but if you mess it up, a basic thing like ear tips can nearly ruin otherwise stellar earbuds.
Sony has managed to create one of the most feature-rich TWS IEMs with the WF-1000XM4. Given that the smart features work irrespective of the platform (something Apple Airpods and their variants can’t say), the WF-1000XM4 further distinguish themselves from the pack.Some aspects are still under construction. ANC on IEMs is less performant than on full-size headphones (i.e., no filtration of high-frequency noise), the overall technicalities could be better, and the price is pretty high for a pair of TWS IEMs. However, if you want all the bells and whistles, you gotta pay up. Based on overall performance, the Sony WF-1000XM4 are among the best TWS IEMs and earn my unreserved recommendation.
The Sony WF-1000XM4’s improvements over the previous generation keep them a strong contender against popular rivals like the Bose QuietComfort Earbuds and Jabra 85t. With a slim, easily pocketable case, good battery life, and a pleasing default sound profile, most people looking for a portable set of true wireless earbuds with solid all-around performance won’t be disappointed.
For a lot less money, Anker's $130 Soundcore Liberty Air 2 Pro provide the best ANC you'll find under $200. On the high end, Sony's WF-1000XM4 earphones outshine the Apple AirPods Pro, the Bose QuietComfort Earbuds, and most other true wireless models when it comes to audio performance. The drivers are capable of subwoofer rumble, but can be tamed to more accurate levels with the app’s EQ, and the high-frequency definition is excellent. That much of the competition still doesn’t provide the flexibility of adjustable EQ gives Sony’s earphone's a real leg up in the audio department
If you’re looking to invest in a pair of earbuds that you’ll use all the time, that can help you cancel out overwhelming sounds and have stellar sound quality, then you’ll find the Sony WF-1000XM4 to be worth their weight in gold. The noise-canceling technology here is undoubtedly some of the best around, and the sound quality will change the way you listen to music as you work out or travel. You don’t have to be versed in technology to understand the hype about these earbuds; practical features like the amazing charging times and the sleek design are sure to win anyone over.
Sony's successor to the well received WF-1000XM3 earbuds are a cut above thanks to their crystal clear sound and excellent noise cancelling. If you want a new pair of in-ear headphones that aren't Apple's AirPods Pro, the WF-1000XM4 are definitely worth a closer look.
The Sony WF-1000XM4 are profoundly impressive across the board, and are arguably the best true wireless earbuds you can buy. Some rivals may outperform them in certain areas, but the all-round package is very hard to beat.
How to design a successor to a mega-seller like the Sony WF-1000XM3? We did not do a review on that one but it was always regarded to be a standard for the segment of TWS. The somewhat more compact and ergonomically shaped 4th generation called Sony WF-1000XM4 suggest that the Japanese want to improve the virtues like ease-of-use making the predecessor a hit.
You’ve got to have the cash to splash, but if you do then you really can’t get better than the Sony WF-1000XM4 for wireless earbuds. Although I can understand the argument of AirPods Pro for iPhone users. Still, the XM4 are worth considering no matter what phone OS you’re loyal to. The new design is more compact and lighter and that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. On top of top-notch sound quality and noise cancelling as standard, the XM4 are packed to the rafters with additional tech and smart features. Ambient Sound Control can automatically switch between different modes as you move or arrive at a particular location.
The Sony WF-1000XM4 sound impressive, and handily beat the AirPods Pro in most ways. They are let down by their weight distribution that makes them slightly uncomfortable, but as a pair of flagship TWS earbuds, the WF-1000XM4 do not disappoint. If you're looking for a solid pair of TWS, these are definitely worth your attention.
The Sony WF-1000XM4 is an excellent buy if you have the money, not only because it is one of the best TWS earphones but also because it has a long battery life. It goes without saying that the sound quality of the XM4 is far better than that of Apple’s AirPods Pro, which is also a popular choice. In terms of user experience, noise-cancellation, and sound quality, these headphones are some of the best I have used in this category. Simply put, this sets a new bar for high-end true wireless earbuds in the premium segment.
That said, the issues here really don’t feel that great when compared to what the XM4s actually offer. The sound quality and noise cancellation are some of the best on the market today and are the core reason to choose these headphones over the competition. The biggest usability issue I encountered was vocal quality on calls which still puzzlingly lags behind the competition. Even with their shortcomings, however, these are excellent earbuds that make for an enjoyable listening experience.
With that said, the pair does more than enough to justify its steep price and offers a treasure trove of features, including cutting-edge adaptive ANC, a stylish, all-day wear design, and surreal audio quality. Now, do note that Sony isn’t the only vendor invested in the premium TWS earphones space and buyers looking for a pair of top-notch, wire-free buds will be spoilt for choices. To wit, the WF-1000XM4 goes up against the Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro (review) which retails for considerably less and comes toting class-leading features too. However, the M4’s put forth a well-rounded package that’s quite hard to beat. The Galaxy Buds Pro, for instance, doesn’t support any high bitrate audio codecs and consequently, cannot relay as much information.
The Sony WF-1000 XM4s offer best-in-class sound, a comfy (if occasionally weird) fit, a discrete form factor (and case), and still manage to take out the noise-cancelling throne for wireless earbuds. Even against competition that's stronger than ever.

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Sony WF-1000XM4 műszaki adatok

MéretekTok: 4 x 6,7 x 3 cm
SúlyFülhallgató: 2 x 8.5 g g Tok: 77 g
VédelemIPX4 Cseppálló
Hangszóró6 mm
AkkumulátorFülhallgató, ANC bekapcsolva: 8 óra Tok és fülhallgató, ANC bekapcsolva: 24 óra Fülhallgató, ANC kikapcsolva: 12 óra Tok és fülhallgató, ANC kikapcsolva: 36 óra
FunkicókAktív zajszűrés, Adaptív hangvezérlés, Környezeti hangszabályozás, Automatikus kopásérzékelés, Fülvég illeszkedési tesztje, Google Fast Pair Mono mód, Többpontos csatlakozási lehetőség, Speak-to-Chat, Swift Pair
TöltésUSB-C vezeték nélküli gyorstöltés
CsatlakozásBluetooth 5.3, SBC, AAC, LDAC, LE audio, DSEE Extrém felskálázás
LapkakészletQN1e chip, V1 processzor
ÉrzékelőkCsontvezetési érzékelő, Közelítésérzékelő, Érintővezérlés
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